Q: I’ve opened “assess & certify” and the screen is blank.
A: This will be because you have no indicators assigned, and therefore, you need to press the blue bar running down the right hand side of the application. Once pressed, a menu will appear and you can now navigate to what you want to update.
Q: StratexPoint isn’t working because I can’t see any risks/controls that I have to update.
A: This will be because you either need to change the update/certification frequency, or you need to add your name as updater.
To firstly rule out the update/certification frequency adjust the date stamp from “monthly”/”quarterly” and cycle through all of the other options. If the items appear as you cycle through, I would recommend that you use the (i) button and press “go to risk/control”. Once here press edit item, at which point you should set the update frequency to monthly on risks and controls, and the certification frequency to quarterly on controls & press okay. By doing this you will always see the items by default when you access assess & certify from now on.
If you need to add your name as updater, you need to navigate through the framework until you find the item. Once found, edit the item and add your name into the updater field (check update/certification frequency) and press okay, at which point you will then see the item in assess & certify.
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Q: There are 30 items assigned to John Doe as updater and he’s not in this department anymore. How do I assign these items to me?
A: Talk to an administrator and ask them to help you carry out a wholesale name change by using administration functionality.
Q: I’m carrying out my quarterly certification but when I go to the control certification screen; this is showing the date as being 31/01/12, 30/04/12, 31/07/12, 30/10/12…..
A: This is because the screen defaults to the quarterly setting and showing the last date within the quarter period for which you are completing the certification, i.e. the last date in the quarter 2 period is 30/04/12, so this is the date that will be reflected when you are accessing the screen at any point within the quarter 2 period.
Q: I’ve completed my certifications for this quarter but the date showing next to the control on the control certification screen is from last quarter.
A: This is because the screen is an inputting screen and, whilst the changes you have input will have been saved; you need to refresh the screen in order for this to reflect the changed dates. Alternatively, if you review the reports in the morning, these will reflect the changes that have been saved, in order for you to check the details that you have input.
Q: How do I see the description when I’m completing my control certification/control assessment/risk assessment?
A: When you are in either the risk assessment/control assessment/control certification web part within the assess and certify function, there is an information button available for each item. If you click on the information button, this will bring up details of the responsible, accountable and updater of the item and will also give you the option to ‘go to the control/risk’. If you select this, it will open up the control/risk details in a new window. This will appear in a ‘view’ mode.
Q: The description of the risk/control needs to be amended or the risk/control is no longer relevant, how do I change this?
A: If you have accessed the control/risk details via the method above, then you need to select ‘edit’ item and this will allow you to be able to update the control/risk notes, RACI etc. and you can also archive the item from here. You can use the browse functionality which you can then use to easily navigate to other objectives/risks/controls.
Alternatively, you can access the item through the framework, by selecting the framework tab (or the framework button if in the home view). You then need to drill down through the framework until you get to the item that requires amending and select the edit button.
Q: I want to review all the risks & controls within our team. How can I pull off information that will show me the details of this and the assessment information?
A: There are various reports that you can run to show you various elements of the framework, which can be found through the reporting tab in StratexPoint. Each report has a description of the type of information that can befound within it.
If you need to review all of the details captured around the objectives, risks and controls, including the notes fields and the RACI structure, you are best accessing the entity through the framework and then selecting ‘actions’ then‘export to spreadsheet’. However, you need to ensure that you have selected the appropriate view that will reflectall of the information that you require.
Q: There is an outstanding action showing within our division that needs updating. How do I do this?
A: The action can only be updated by the individual that this is assigned to. They can access the action via assess and update web part. If you need to assign the action to someone else, navigate to the action through the framework and then modify the RACI fields.
Q: The individual that this is assigned to is not in/has left the company...
A: A person with editing permissions for your team can make this change.