StratexPoint Cloud Solution






Our cloud solution enables senior executives to effectively manage the risk and reward equation for their organisations, leading to better management discussions, decision-making and action-taking.


StratexPoint Cloud Deployment
Defining Balanced Scorecards, with KPIs, Initiatives and actions.
Defining, managing and monitoring the initiatives and actions which make up the organisational change agenda.
Defining and monitoring risk appetite.
Define and manage operational processes and systems, and monitoring their performance, risk and controls.
Calculating, managing and monitoring the alignment of risk exposure to appetite.
Defining and managing key and emerging risks using risk maps.
Managing and monitoring KPIs, KRIs and KCIs using organisational and personal dashboards. Conducting risk and control self-assessments.

We are here to help you!

Our sales & support teams are available via Email, Phone or Twitter. Please get in touch via the Contact Us page.