Five principles for creating a strategy-focused organization

Principle 1: Translate the strategy into operational terms

This principle comprises two sub-components: Strategy Maps and Balanced Scorecards that together describe the strategy and its implementation. It is by translating strategy into the logical architecture of a Strategy Map and a Balanced Scorecard that organizations create a common, understandable point of reference for everyone.

Principle 2: Align the organization to the strategy

Synergy is the overarching goal of organization design. Organizations consist of numerous sectors, business units and specialized departments, each with its own strategy. For organizational performance to become

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StratexPoint enables Risk-based Performance Management deployment across US retail bank network

Risk-based performance has been selected as the framework to support the roll out of an integrated, enterprise-wide performance and risk framework, after a rigorous proof of concept process.

This deployment will cover the entire US network of a US retail bank and will be enabled via StratexPoint, a SharePoint application for performance and risk management. Given the nature of this deployment with an emphasis on cultural change and the need to embed performance and risk management, collaborative nature of StratexPoint, the ease of roll-out to 1500+ users and comprehensive functionality was critical in the client’s decision-making.