The PRA and FCA aim to change the culture of Financial Services with new regulation

There is little doubt that the new Senior Managers Regime and Certification Regime will prompt the Firms to connect the dots between day to day operations and accountability, but it’s questionable whether it will change the culture in Financial Services.

In July 2014 the regulators announced their intention to ‘Strengthen accountability in banks’ in their joint consultation paper FCA CP14/13/PRA CP14/14 that introduced a new regulatory framework for individuals:

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FCA CP15/31 and PRA CP36/15 Strengthening Accountability in Banking Highlights

Proposals for regulatory references were outlined in the consultation paper published by the regulators yesterday. Firms are already required to provide references upon request, the new regulation requires Firms to request references for people that fall within the Senior Managers and Certification regimes.

Highlights are:

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Senior Managers Regime: So Far

The Senior Managers Regime (SMR) aims, simply, to clearly assign responsibility and accountability to those in positions that directly affect the success, or indeed failure, of organisations in the banking sector. 

It is designed to encourage individual accountability for decision-making in banks, building societies, credit unions and Prudential Regulation Authority (PRA) designated investment firms. As of last week...

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