StratexPoint Enhanced Dashboard Taster

Over the last few months, the team at StratexSystems has been collaborating with existing and new clients to improve our solution. Below is a taster of our enhanced dashboards. 

The Strategy Execution overview dashboard is designed to provide senior executives with the information to enable them to understand how well they are executing their strategy while managing their risks. 

For those that like Gauge Dashboards, StratexPoint introduces the Indicator Overview Dashboard. This provides a snapshot of indicator status for all indicators within a business unit. This can be viewed as a stand-alone dashboard or as a drill-down from the Strategic Overview Dashboard.

To get the detail of an objective, this drill-down dashboard provides a single page view of everything related to an objective, KPI status and trends, actions etc.

The Key and Emerging Risk Dashboard is designed to enable our clients to understand their level of exposure for both key and emerging risks, how that has changed over time and where the ‘Top 10’ exposures for each are.

For a free thirty day trial of StratexPoint click here.